weekly veg bag
Sign up to receive a weekly share of our vegetable harvest. Every week we will harvest you a bag of freshly picked vegetables, grown to organic principles, in season and at their best. We have the liberty to grow varieties purely for taste as our produce has to travel zero miles, unlike other veg box schemes and supermarkets who must put transportability over everything else.
At certain times of year we supplement our own veg with that grown by other UK farms. We always choose growers who are organically certified. Our weekly ‘what’s in the share'?’ email lists what produce has been grown by us, and what we have bought from other UK growers.
“My cousin came to stay with me over Christmas and she was amazed and delighted by the freshness and quality of the vegetables from the Farnham Community Farm that we enjoyed for our festive feast.
She said the vegetables - particularly the parsnip and celeriac - smelt and tasted so fresh and true that it made her realise that she had never eaten such vegetables before, even organic vegetables from a well-known supermarket! ”
£2/month Membership
Everyone who orders produce from us must pay a monthly subscription (except on a 4 week trial) which makes them a member of Farnham Community Farm.
Membership also:
Gives you a vote at our members' meetings; £1 from your first month buys you a share in our cooperative. It also means you have a share in the responsibility for how the coop is run.
Allows you to volunteer with us.
Invites you to our social events.
Supports the farm and helps to cover running costs.
Veg Shares
Payment is made by monthly standing order. When you begin your trial we ask for a £5 cash deposit which covers your use of two of our jute bags.
Small bags £44 + £2 membership = £46/month
Medium bags £63 + £2 membership = £65/month
Large bags £80 + £2 membership = £82/month
You can join our community as a Supporter Member even if you don't want to order produce; this means you can still attend our social events, volunteer and be part of the coop.
A medium size share in summer
Farnham Community Farm is a CSA scheme, this means sharing the risks and rewards between farmer and consumer. Shares will vary in size throughout the year as we grow with the seasons. The success of each year’s crops is dependant on many factors, including the weather. If it’s a good year, you will enjoy a bumper share of the harvest, but if it’s a bad year, your veg bag may be smaller. We always aim for at least six items and for most of the year all the veg will be grown by us. During the 'hungry gap' when winter stocks run low and new crops are still growing, we may buy in some UK grown items from organically-certified producers, to supplement our own veg.