Sign up below to our veg bag scheme


We sell our veg through a weekly veg bag scheme, starting with a commitment free 4-week trial which you can sign up to using the form below. Every week we will harvest you a bag of freshly picked vegetables, grown to organic principles, in season and at their best. We have the liberty to grow varieties purely for taste as our produce has to travel zero miles, unlike other veg box schemes and supermarkets who must put transportability over everything else.

You can find out all the details about our veg bags on our FAQs page. Please read this before signing up.

Members collect their veg bags every Thursday, either from the farm between 1-3pm, or from our table at the Hogs Back Brewery barn between 4-7pm.

If you don’t want to order produce but still want to support the farm, you can join our community as a Supporter Member instead. You pay the £2 monthly fee to become a member and will be kept in the loop about news, events and opportunities.


£2/month Membership

All members pay a monthly subscription which makes them a member of Farnham Community Farm. This: 

  • Gives you a vote at our members' meetings; £1 from your first month buys you a share in our cooperative. It also means you have a share in the responsibility for how the coop is run.

  • Invites you to our social events.

  • Supports the farm and helps to cover running costs.

Veg Shares

These prices are for a full member of FCF from March 2025. The price of a trial differs slightly - you pay a £5 deposit which covers your use of two of our jute bags, but you don’t pay the £2 membership fee. 

Small bags £52 + £2 membership =  £54/month

Medium bags £72.50 + £2 membership = £74.50/month

Large bags £92 + £2 membership = £94/month


Please register your interest here and we will contact you ASAP to let you know if we have veg bag trial spaces, or how long the wait is likely to be. We will also send a full intro guide with details about payment and our setup. Meanwhile, we are always open to new Supporter Members!

setting up a payment

Here are the details for setting up
your standing order, or making a one-off payment for a trial:

Account name: Farnham Community Farm

Sort code: 30-93-20

Account no: 02362221

Standing orders should be set up to come out on the first of the month. In order for us to spot your payment, please use your name as a reference. This needs to be the same name as the one submitted on the online form.