FAQs/Membership Terms and Conditions



We are run as a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture scheme. This is a partnership between producer and consumer where the risks and rewards of farming are shared. Our members commit to buying a share of our harvest, which in turn means we can commit to growing the crops. By becoming a member, you'll receive a weekly veg bag. Our veg is pesticide free and guided by organic principles, though we are not Soil Association certified. In the summer months we fill the bags entirely with our own veg, and in the winter we buy in some items like potatoes and onions from UK organic growers to supplement. We will always tell you which is which.

You can find out more about the standards to which we grow on this page.


Large: £92/month (£21.60 a week), 4 or more

Medium: £72.50/month (£17.00 a week), 2-3 people

Small: £52/month (£12.20 a week), 1-2 people (please note for budget and administrative reasons we are currently unable to offer a small share size except in special circumstances)

These are all estimates for how many the veg bag feeds, of course it depends how many in your household like veg and whether you are supplementing.

£1 from your first month buys you a share in our cooperative, and £2 of your monthly payment counts as your ‘membership fee’. It also means you have a share in the responsibility for how the coop is run.

FOR THE 4-WEEK INTRODUCTORY TRIAL, the prices are as follows: Large: £95 Medium: £75.50 Small: £55
These prices are more expensive because they include a £5 re-usable bag deposit which can be returned if you don't wish to continue past the trial. They don’t include the membership fee.

How do I collect my veg bag?

Veg shares are prepared and collected every Thursday. There are 2 options:

Collection from the yurt at the farm 1 - 3pm (See our ‘find us’ page for detailed directions)
Collection from the Hogs Back Brewery 4 - 7pm (We have a table set up in the barn on the left immediately as you enter)

We do not offer delivery at the moment. However, to save time and fuel we do try our best to pair members up with others in their neighbourhood to share collection duties - we call this a Distribution Group. If you decide to continue past your trial period, we'll look into finding you a group. If you can't make the collection slots, you can let us know in advance and we'll arrange collection on Friday. However, the veg is not as fresh so we don't recommend this for every week.


We run for 50 weeks of the year. Just before Christmas you will receive 2 weeks worth of veg, the farm then shuts for two weeks for the New Year.

will you let me know what's coming up in the share that week?

Yes, we send out an email each week (usually 2 days before collection) to say what will be in the share along with other farm news.

What kind of veg can i expect in the bag?

Unlike some bigger box schemes, all of our veg is British grown, so this is real seasonal eating. In the summer you'll get the whole variety including tomatoes and cucumbers (thanks to our polytunnels), and in the winter expect plenty of of kales, cabbages and root veg. By sticking to British crops, you are saving food miles as well as buying into organic standards that we know and trust.

We find it’s best if you can let the veg be your starting point in meal planning - it is a fun, creative way of cooking to be guided by seasonal availability and it doesn’t have to take a long time/use expensive ingredients. We will help you out with weekly recipe suggestions, and we love to hear about what you've been cooking too via email or social media.

Can I change items in my share?

Unfortunately we don't have the capacity to make individual changes to the veg bags. However, we do have a swap box out every week where you can switch an item you won’t use for one that you will. This saves any waste and any surplus is given to volunteers.

What happens when i go on holiday?

We suggest, if you can, to find a friend who would like to come along and collect your veg and use it while you’re away. This is a great way to introduce them to Farnham Community Farm and make good use of your share at the same time. 

However, if this is not possible, please drop us a line to let us know you will be away. We cannot give refunds for shares missed due to holidays but the equivalent of the bag will be donated to the local Food Bank (when there are a few people away) or donated to a volunteer.

do i need to bring a bag to take my veg home in?

We will pre-pack your share in a Farnham Community Farm jute bag each week. We made sure to find a supplier who could provide bags with an eco-friendly waterproofing solution.

The first payment for your trial will include a £5 deposit (refundable if you choose not to continue), to allow for the use of two bags per member. Please bring back a bag every time you pick up your veg.

Unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to reuse any of our biodegradable plastic salad bags due to hygiene reasons.


If you wish to cancel we require 1 months’ notice in order to recruit a replacement member, and please return any re-usable bags to us on your last day. We will only refund your £1 share if you write to ask us to do so.

Why should I choose FCF over a bigger, more flexible box scheme?

We know we can't offer the same flexible service as a major box scheme, and certainly not a supermarket. However, by choosing FCF membership you are choosing a completely transparent veg scheme - you know who is growing the veg, and to what standards. The veg is as fresh as it gets, with all our own crops harvested on the day or the day before, and we are always told that members can taste the difference.

You also have a say in how the scheme is run and can get involved yourself if you like. You are supporting a local organisation that provides a space for schools, community groups and individuals to learn invaluable lessons about food, and be outdoors in a healthy and safe environment.

How can I be involved with the farm beyond the veg shares?

We are run cooperatively and really do appreciate the input of our members! You are welcome to volunteer on the farm, just let us know you're interested and we will sign you up to the mailing list or tell you that week's opening hours. See our volunteering page for more info.

How can I follow news about the farm?

We give farm updates in our weekly shares emails, and we're on Facebook and Instagram @farnhamcommunityfarm